Monday, December 9, 2019
Suggestions Crisis Communicate Development -Myassignmenthelp.Com
Question: Discuss About The Suggestions Crisis Communicate Development? Answer: Introducation Effective communication is essential for business success and it is all about sharing knowledge and information among each other inside and outside of the organisation. It is worth saying that, effective communication goes far beyond simple speech and hearing and for this purpose, body language, word of choice, tone of voice, communication style and message clarification all come into play. These can make the difference between failure and success in interpersonal interactions and transactions. One of the important employability skills is the communication and communication needs to be accurate to make any business process effective. As opined by Adnan et al., (2017), communication is the essence of business management and therefore, all other aspects of management such as planning, staffing, organizing, controlling and directing are solely dependent on the knowledge of effective communication. There are five diagnostic tools that help to identify individuals communication competence and these are non-verbal immediacy, talkaholic scale, willingness to listen, tolerance for disagreement and the other is self-perceived communication competence scale. Non-verbal immediacy Non-verbal communication holds the same importance along with verbal communication in the effective communication skills. As stated by McCroskey et al., (2014), nonverbal behaviour may emphasize verbal communication in the similar way that italicizing emphasizes written communication. In the workplace environment, it is essential for the employees especially for leaders and managers to use different types of body language, poster, hand gesture and facial expression to make the confrontation more attractive and significant. This non-verbal test has near about 26 questions that have to be answered as per the preferred choice. After that, score will be generated and based on this; it becomes possible to understand the effectiveness of that kind of competence. Talkaholic scale Considerable research has determined that, the more an individual talks (unless the person is an incompetent communicator) the more the individual is positively evaluated by others. Such kinds of people are more likely to be a leader as being more competent in respect to other persons perception variables (Hybels, 2014). There are approximately 16 questions that have to be responded and at the end of the test, it becomes possible to understand how much the participant is Talkaholic. Tolerance for disagreement scale Sometime, in the workplace environment, employees need to involve in debates so that; it becomes possible for them to convey their own opinion over some traditional monotonous culture (Shockley-Zalabak, 2014). However, sometimes, staffs need to avoid disagreement so as to reduce workplace conflict (OGallagher, 2015). From this perspective, the tolerance for disagreement scale helps to measure the extent to which an individual can tolerate disagreement of other people. It is a form of Likert scale where individual needs to answer each question as per their belief in order to measure their level of tolerance. Willingness to listen diagnostic tool Listening is another skill of effective communication and with the help of heightened listening skills, both the organisation and the employee can realize the higher level of success. Employees need to listen to the leaders and the managers while receiving information or getting updates on corporate policies (Couldry Hepp, 2013). Hence, an individual can take a test over the willingness to listen diagnostic tool in order to understand their orientation towards listening. Self-perceived communication competency scale (SPCC) Peoples competence of communication varies as per the situation. As mentioned by Berger (2014), employees have to communicate in group meetings along with individual meetings and therefore, it is necessary for the staffs to be able to share their knowledge and information confidently in any situation. Hence, SPCC tool is helpful to identify individual's competence. There are a number of questions in the tool that have to be answered for developing entire understanding about the self-competence. Findings of the tools Based on the aforementioned tools, it becomes helpful for me to understand my communication competence. Hence, I have practiced all the tools and based on these, I get score from each of the tools. Non-verbal immediacy While confronting others, it is essential for me to involve some of the non-verbal communication skills to make the speech listenable. After conducting the test, I score 97 and it shows I am an excellent communicator in case of non-verbal communication. Based on this tool, I get to know that, I like to smile while talk and usually I make eye contact and move my hands to make the confrontation attractive. Talkaholic Talkaholic test helps me to understand whether I prefer to talk to my peers or not. Based on the test, I came to know that, I am not a talkaholic and I scored 18. Therefore, I can add that, I keep quiet when I should talk to others. However, based on the test, I became able to know that, I am not a compulsive talker and therefore, in most of the situations, I remain silent and prefer not to talk too much. Willingness to listen Being an employee, it is important to listen to others in order to develop a collaborative teamwork. Further, it is important to listen to the leaders and the managers in order to get updates over the organisational policies and culture. Therefore, to get employable and be noticeable in the workplace environment, it is necessary to be active listener. Hence, the willingness to listen tool helps me to understand how much potential I have to listen to others. Based on the test, I get a score of 76 that made me know that, I have moderate willingness to listen. However, I do not want to listen to boar presentations and therefore, it makes me sleepy while listening to non-responsive speakers. Tolerance for disagreement scale From the above discussion, I get to know that, discussion is necessary in the workplace environment in order to understand organisational goal and objectives. However, employees need to share their own opinion about the work process and a conflict or disagreement may arise. Sometimes, disagreement becomes fruitful for the company while sometimes, it brings negative growth in the productivity. From this perspective, an employee needs to be engaged in the conflict situations and hence, tolerance for disagreement skill is required. The tolerance for disagreement tool helps me to understand the extent to which I can tolerate situations where people are in disagreement. Hence, I scored 52 which indicate I encompass high level of tolerance for disagreement. Self-perceived Communication Competence Self-perceived communication competence test encompass different characteristics of same people at different situations and therefore, it is essential to calculate each of the factors of the test in order to get clear idea about different essence of same people. Based on the test, I get to know that, there are different factors of characteristics and these are meeting, group, public, Dyad, stranger, friend and acquaintance. I have tested each of the factors and I scored 85 in public and 75 in case meeting. Along with this, I get 83.3, 73.75, 90, 86.25and 90 in case of group, stranger, dyad, acquaintance and friend respectively. In total, I get 83.3 which depict my high self-perceived communication competence. Two communication issues Based on the above test, I get to know my competence level and therefore, I have found two of my communication issues. I have found that, I am not a talkaholic and therefore, most of the time, I keep quiet. Sometimes, this brings a lot of problem and therefore, I need to improve myself so that, I become an effective communicator. This skill is required to maintain a good professional tone. Along with this, for an employee, it is necessary to be communicative because, sharing information is necessary in the workplace to get benefits in terms of promotion and incentives. Moreover, I have found that I am a moderate listener and therefore, I do not like people with misinterpreted body language and who give bore presentations. In the workplace environment, it is necessary to listen to others in order to understand existing work culture and business objective. From this perspective, it can be stated that I need to improve my listening skills in order to get success in the workplace environment. Reflect on two recent professional interactions One of my professional interactions happens in my previous workplace where I was in the sales team and I had to work within a team. In the workplace, leaders used to provide us training about how to handle customers and there I faced the issue of lack of being an active listener. I did not pay much attention to the bore presentations of my peers and leaders and because of this; I was not able to fulfil all the tasks properly that my leaders used to give us to do because of the lack of assertiveness. The leader behaved rudely because of this kind of communication issue and breaking of organisational composure. In another situation of my workplace, I had to handle customers and sales effectively and therefore, I had to make customers understood the qualities of the products. Last month, I had to handle a client who asked me a lot of useless questions about the product and there, I faced the issue of not being talkaholic. Managing people is not so easy and being talkaholic in all kinds of conversations is not always possible. The customer was continuously asking a huge number of questions and I felt incompetent for not being able to answer all the questions. In this particular reflective study, I have identified two of my communication issues that may bring the potential barrier to career life. The theoretical perspective of communication has been introduced in the literature review where I have explained its issues shortly. In order to mitigate the problems, I have developed an action plan for the betterment of my future career. Two communication issues Without effective communication, organisation becomes unable to exchange information with the employees and therefore, it will not be possible for the company to develop communication network for carrying out new product data. Studies show that people that connect and communicate with each other during the business process are more likely to increase productivity. According to the viewpoint of Couldry Hepp (2013), employees need roots in the workplace environment in order to feel a part of the company. The relationship of employees within the workplace helps to grow entire happiness during working hours. From this perspective, a leader needs to be an active talker in order to manage employees and share all information about business objectives and corporate policies. According to the viewpoint of DeVito (2015), effective communication skills are associated with the team working, conflict resolution, critical observation to workforce and adaptability. Sometimes, it is essential for an employee to give a verbal presentation in front of higher authorities and therefore, it is necessary to be an effective communicator to share knowledge in front of them. Therefore, it can be stated that an employee's performa nce is somewhat based on active communication and therefore, it is essential to be able to communicate in any situation to create extra benefits. Active listening skills Listening, one of the skills is highly valued in the workplace environment. Employers hire employees who have the ability to listen and therefore, listening is one of the soft skills that individual requires in order to get employable. Listening is processed in the work content by which an individual becomes able to gain an understanding of the requirements, needs and preferences of stakeholders' thorough indirect or direct interaction (Petersons Khalimzoda, 2016). Sometimes, it becomes essential for the employees to listen carefully to the leaders so that; it becomes helpful for them to understand business objectives carefully (Fussell Kreuz, 2014). Along with this, it is essential for the leaders and managers to be an active listener so as to empower employees. Therefore, it is worth saying that, to be an active listener, it is essential to make eye contact with the speaker so that, it becomes helpful for the speaker to convey the entire message fruitfully. Theoretical understanding of communication Active listening is involved with listening to all senses and interest of the speaker can be shown by using proper non-verbal and verbal messages. Active listening means not focusing only on speakers, the listeners need to listen to perfectly demonstrating appropriate responses. On the other side, public speaking is another issue for people and it is quite common to nervous in front of audiences. Practice and rehearse are needed to be talkaholic. The matter of speech needs to be simplified and preparation is also needed. In order to develop a complete understanding of communication, there are some of the factors that need to be discussed. Mechanistic: This is the systematic process of communication where there is a source who generally sends information to. At another end of the system, there is a receiver who receives the information (Ganguly, 2017). Social In case of social communication, interpersonal communication takes place between sender and receiver. According to the viewpoint of Hybels (2014), content takes the utmost responsibility for the social communication. Psychological In this particular case, interpersonal communication comes into account along with the flow of feelings between source and receiver. Systematic In this kind of mechanistic communication, a number of individuals play a significant role and thereby, the message is prepared by all of the individuals. Each of the participants interprets their emotions and perspective in the communication. Models of communication Schramms model of communication The basic concept of the Schramm's model of communication is that communication is a two-way process. Both the source and the receivers are responsible for this entire process. Source generally creates a message which is then encoded by the encoder (Jensen, 2016). The encoded message needs to be decoded by the decoder where the wave is transformed into the information. The receiver gets the decoded message and the entire communication process takes place. The encoder and the decoder that transform the message are called as a transmitter (McQuail Windahl, 2015). Therefore, the main components of the communication process are the source, encoder, decoder and the receiver. Schramm's model refers that how the message is transferred to a group of people when interpersonal communication takes place. Berlos model of communication is based on Schramms model and therefore, it is the backbone of Berlos model of communication. According to this model, there are some factors that affect the communication process and make the communication process more effective (Knapp, Vangelisti Caughlin, 2014). The four components of the communication include source (S), channel (C), Message (M) and the other factor is all about the receiver (R). The sender sends the message to the receiver through the channel where the message can be distorted by the factor Noise. According to this model, noise is the one that disturbs the message and because of this, the receiver gets distorted information. For this purpose, it is necessary to improve the quality of the channel so that, it becomes possible to get actual message. The message can be in the form of audio, video, text, voice or media. However, Liu Fraustino (2014) argue that the model is a linear model and therefore, Berlo's model does not involve two-way communication process. Theory of interpersonal communication Triandis theory of interpersonal behaviour: Behaviour partly depends on intention and partly on the responsiveness as well. From this perspective, according to the viewpoint of McQuail Windahl (2015), the situational constraint is all about manages behaviour and communication significantly and therefore, it can be stated that, the intention of individuals being influenced by effective elements of social factors and rational deliberation. It is worth saying that, employees need to communicate in the workplace based on the organisational culture and norm. Hence, moral beliefs impact the interpersonal behaviour of individual and therefore, this can influence the similar cognitive limitations and emotional aspects of human beings. As mentioned by Thatcher Evia (2017), it is essential for the employees to maintain certain aspects of behaviour in the workplace and therefore, it is the responsibility of the organisation to maintain all attributes of organisational process so that, it becomes possible for them to maintain staff mora le and cognitive limitations in the workplace environment. It is worth saying that; social factors in the workplace are associated with culture, role and self-concept of the community within which the organisation operates. Along with the social factors, there is another element that impacts the interpersonal behaviour and this is all about the emotional responses. According to the viewpoint of Stead(2013), emotional responses are entirely assisted with the consequences of the effective communication and the rational-instrumental invigilation of the situation. As mentioned by Shockley-Zalabak (2014), in a difficult situation, the decision-making condition is highly influenced by the behavioural attitude of individual and hence, the brain of individuals provides an extent of behavioural reaction in order to find out best possible solutions for the critical situation. In relation to this, attitudes are highly shaped by beliefs about results and evaluation of various outcomes while habits of individuals are mostly affected by the essence of the previous attitude. This section is entirely based on my planning for betterment of communication. Effective communication is essential to having an improved professional career in life. For this purpose, I have developed an action plan which is set for 24 weeks or 6 months for the betterment of my communication. Within the scheduled timings, I will try to reach my desired objectives. Short courses Crash-courses on communication are available in Australia to improve communication skills within one to two months' time-frame. Hence, I would like to complete these courses so that, it becomes possible for me to deal with individuals effectively within two months. Along with this, it becomes possible for me to do courses on Assertiveness with the help of these crash-courses within 1 month. Moreover, I would like to take a course on Effective People management which is near about three-month course that helps me to improve all my communication issues significantly. It is worth noting that, these short courses have that potential to develop my active listening skills that will help in my future career strongly. Further, I would like to develop my academic degree on Masters in Communication course from one of the top-ranked universities because this course will definitely help me to deal with people in the workplace. The entire course takes near about 20 weeks of a professional portfol io and I will be able to develop my professional behaviour and skills significantly. Reading plan Along with the courses, it is necessary for me to develop a reading plan so that, it becomes possible for me to gain motivation and confidence as well. Hence, I can state that reading proper books help me to gain effective communication skills and I will be able to develop my self-confidence to that extent to get employable positively. I will read top quality books of renowned authors to develop my skills effectively. This is because I want to read books to boost my confidence level and increase the extent to patients. Therefore, I have selected a number of books that will be helpful from the very beginning. One of the books includes Emilia Hardmans Active Listening 101: How to turn down your volume to turn up your communication skill. Another book in the list is all about Helio Fred Garcias The power of communication skills to build trust, inspire loyalty and lead effectively. Along with this, I want to read The Power of self-confidence written by Brian Tracy. Maintaining personal journal Along with reading books, it is essential to maintain personal journals as it helps to keep account of daily activities properly. With the help of this, it becomes possible for me to monitor my growth and progress. Therefore, to measure my progress, I would like to maintain a personal journal in order to note down my growth in terms of the weekly basis. It is worth saying that, keeping a journal will increase my IQ level and this will consequently enhance mindfulness. Along with this, it can be stated that maintaining personal journal will help to reach my objectives with an ease. However, this will positively provide mental support and so that I will be able to enhance my EQ level as well. Identification of mentor A mentor can perform as a catalyst to improve my growth level positively. It will be beneficial for me to have a mentor who can provide a solution for each of my error. I will select a mentor who will be able to motivate me with his experience and training courses. Stephen Rother was my school time teacher and he used to take our English classes. I still have connection with him and I would be taking communication classes from him. Gantt chart Set of Activities Week 1 Week 4 Week 8 Week 12 Week 16 Week 24 Reading books Keeping personal journal Doing short crash-courses of communication Training under mentor Starting of implementation professional along with personal life Searching for Post-graduation courses on Reference List Adnan, Y. M., Daud, M. N., Alias, A., Razali, M. N. (2017). Importance of soft skills for graduates in the real estate programmes in Malaysia.Journal of Surveying, Construction and Property,3(2), 23-26 McCroskey, L. L., Teven, J. J., Minielli, M. C., Richmond McCroskey, V. P. (2014). James C. McCroskey's instructional communication legacy: Collaborations, mentorships, teachers, and students. Communication Education, 63(4), 283-307. OGallagher, A. (2015). Examining the Relationship between Need to Belong, Tolerance for Disagreement, Attachment Style and Life Satisfaction. Berger, J. (2014). Word of mouth and interpersonal communication: A review and directions for future research.Journal of Consumer Psychology,24(4), 586-607. Couldry, N., Hepp, A. (2013).Conceptualizing mediatization: Contexts, traditions, arguments.Communication Theory,23(3), 191-202. DeVito, J. A. (2015).The interpersonal communication book. Sydney: Pearson. Fussell, S. R., Kreuz, R. J. (2014).Social and cognitive approaches to interpersonal communication. London: Psychology Press. Ganguly, S. (2017).Action Research to Improve the Communication Skills of Undergraduate Students.IUP Journal of Soft Skills,11(3), 62-71. Hybels, S. (2014).Communicating effectively. New York: McGraw-Hill Higher Education. Jensen, K.B., (2016). Practical theories: Concepts, conceptions and conceptualizations of communication.Empedocles: European Journal for the Philosophy of Communication,7(2), 143-156. Knapp, M. L., Vangelisti, A. L., Caughlin, J. P. (2014).Interpersonal communication human relationships. Sydney: Pearson Higher Ed. Liu, B. F., Fraustino, J. D. (2014).Beyond image repair: Suggestions for crisis communication theory development.Public Relations Review,40(3), 543-546. McQuail, D., Windahl, S. (2015).Communication models for the study of mass communications. Abingdon: Routledge. Patton, L. J., Tidwell, J. D., Falder-Saeed, K. L., Young, V. B., Lewis, B. D., Binder, J. F. (2017). Ensuring safe transfer of pediatric patients: A quality improvement project to standardize handoff communication.Journal of Pediatric Nursing,34, 44-52. Petersons, A., Khalimzoda, I. (2016). Communication models and common basis for multicultural communication in latvia. InProceedings of the International Scientific Conference.423, 433. Shockley-Zalabak, P. (2014).Fundamentals of organisational communication. Sydney: Pearson. Stead, B. A. (2013).Berlo's communication process model as applied to the behavioral theories of Maslow, Herzberg, and McGregor.Academy of Management journal,15(3), 389-394. Thatcher, B., Evia, C. (2017).Outsourcing Technical Communication: Issues, Policies and Practices. Abingdon: Routledge.
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